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 MCK family meal
request form is currently closed 

re-opens on Wednesday feb 5, 2025
Last updated: 2/3/25 10:07 PM

Hello! The Meal Request Form is currently turned off.  The form will re-open on a Wednesday.  Below is what we served last time.  We will update the Request a Meal page when we return. 













If you would like to let us know more about your experience attempting to request a meal, you can register on

the Interest List below. This is not a wait list.

It is a feedback form that we use to learn more about the unmet need for accessible and affordable better meals in our local communities. You are not required to submit one, but if you do, rest assured that we look at how much the list is changing and use that data to inform the way we do community outreach and seek funding resources.

1.14.25 Closed.jpg

If you are in need of food, dial 211 by phone or visit

If you have internet access, check out Urban Gleaners' Free Food Market by clicking that link.

Check out the Oregon Food Bank Food Finder for information on food pantries, food boxes, and meal sites.

Street Roots' Rose City Resource Guide is a comprehensive list of services for people experiencing houselessness and poverty in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties.

We do food rescue and divert perfectly good, quality ingredients from going to food waste and use them to create a healthy, nutrition-dense meal that we cook and distribute at no cost to the community.  We use your individual donations to purchase additional ingredients we need to make accessible meals to anyone in need, at no cost, no questions asked.

  • Since February 13, 2024: we have implemented a delivery service boundaries.  Click here to see the map of where we deliver. Majority of Multnomah County plus NW Clackamas areas.  If you submit for a delivery request and your address falls outside these areas, your request will automatically be cancelled.  If you live outside of these areas, you are welcome to request a meal for an in-person pickup.  We offer meal pick-ups in addition to deliveries.  

  • ​A new menu is posted on a Wednesday morning, twice each month.

  • The online Smartsheet meal request form re-opens on a Wednesday morning (do not go there directly, always check here on our website for the week's menu and any major allergens listed).

  • Requests must be made each time, limit 1 family meal per household, until our capacity of 80 households is reached. We ask that any changes to your request be submitted to MCK by Thursday 5pm.

  • We prepare and cook on Thursday evenings and package the chilled meals on Friday evenings.

  • We plan all delivery routes and meal pick-ups on Fridays. Pre-requested meal distribution is on Saturdays:

    • Between 10am-11am for in-person pickup

    • Between 10am-12:30pm for home delivery

  • Someone from your household must be available to receive the meal 

  • To ensure food consumption safety, in addition to attempting a personal hand-off a text message notification will be sent upon delivering the cooked meal. We will only contact ahead of Saturday if there is a question on the information you provided or you gave us a bad address, insufficient information, wrong phone number.

If you saved the direct link to the Smartsheet online meal request form and tried to sign up now, this is the system message you will see:

Contact Us



P.O. Box 12563

Portland, OR  97212-0563​

Tax identification number: 86-3463263

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